

Health is more important than possessions!!

Health is more important than possessions ancient people's slogan seems to remain valid throughout the period and never cracked, because as we all know health is a wheel in every creature in this world, not just us humans, animals and even plants such thing though is in need of a healthy!

For I am interested to make this blog as a forum for small record notes about health, healthy living tips and how to maintain the health, almost meaningless if we find ourselves themselves sick in the sense that there are certain limitations limitations if we are not healthy or sick.

Hopefully the blog '' medicalong''ini will be a forum for all those related to health, medicine, etc., at first glance the literal meaning of blog''medicalong '' long, which means that translated as approximately so.

Hopefully will be useful for all of us, in search of information about good health, medicine and other alternative, so hello blogger!
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