

Try to treat severe stomach ulcers with henna leaves orAglaia odorata

Gastric ulcer '' or infection of the stomach and stomach that is injured and infected then bleeds or pus. , if this happens it can be fatal. !!

For this reason, if we do experience stomach pain or ulcers on a regular basis, immediately treat or at least maintain a diet that does not invite stomach upset, or maintain our eating schedule.

What if you have experienced ulcers, have been treated here and there both medically and alternatively but have not yet recovered, I happen to be able to tell the experience of my friend who had very acute heartburn, and received treatment several times. with doctors, as well as some alternative experts, but they did not experience any recovery, at that time he said, their bodies were very thin, because they could not eat, except only drink water, when they were filled with food, their stomachs hurt and sometimes bleeding.

                          Try to treat severe stomach ulcers with henna leaves orAglaia odorata

It was in this precarious situation that he finally met a traditional medicine expert, then he was given a simple recipe, namely making medicine from henna leaves:
-Take enough henna leaves then wash thoroughly with clean water, then finely ground, then grind the size of a glass marble [children's toy], make 7 items, and if you want to sleep at night eat 1 item / night a maximum of 7 items a night ..!

 The turned out to be suitable and gradually recovered from heartburn, when he told me that at that time he looked fresh and healthy and was able to work again as before.

Why am I publishing this, maybe someone has an illness like our friends and has taken medicine everywhere that never gets better, you can try the herb of henna leaves, who knows a mate for your recovery or a family who is sick with slow acute gastritis ...

Paint: in our place, if someone breaks the nail because it is crushed or pinched or crushed by any object ,, treat it as soon as possible with henna leaves, the same way, namely, mix it with a little water and apply it to the broken nail and bandage it, usually 3 days later the nails will dry and there is no swelling even though the nails then come off from the fingers / toes.

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