Sulfur to relieve rheumatic pain There are several types of traditional medicine that were originally derived from plants, namely from ...
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Cat spinach (Boroco) Celosia Argentea.Linn . is useful for normalizing hypertension
Cat spinach (Boroco) is useful for normalizing hypertension (Celosia Argentea.Linn) We are still around medicinal plants from plants, as w...
Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil for Hemorrhoids (Ambient)
Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil for Hemorrhoids (Ambien) The uses and functions of eucalyptus oil since ancient times, have been used as other...
Button mushrooms can prevent & treat prostate cancer(AGARICUS BISPORUS)
Button mushrooms can prevent & treat prostate cancer(AGARICUS BISPORUS) AGARICUS BISPORUS (Latin name), if in our language it is called ...
Tambora leaves as antibiotics and heal wounds(Ageratum conyoides L)
This time I introduce a plant called "Tembora". The Latin language is: Ageratum conyoides L. Then what are the properties of this...
Peas to lower blood sugar levels (Diabetes) Pisum Sativum.L
Peas to lower blood sugar levels (Diabetes) one of the medicinal plants that are around us is `` Peanut '' or in Latin `` Pisu...
Cinnamon Therapy May Lower Cholesterol
Cinnamon Therapy May Lower Cholesterol Cinnamomum burmannii (Latin for it) or `` cinnamon '' in our language and we often find it a...
Prick your finger with a pin (needle) if you have had a stroke !!
Prick your finger with a pin (needle) if you have had a stroke Some time ago we made a post about handling Stroke, but it was deemed incompl...
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