

Benefits of Spinach or Amaranthus Spinosus for medicine

 Still about traditional medicine, as we all know that traditional medicine cannot be underestimated because its healing power is also somet...

Lempuyang wangi or Zingiber Aromaticum. L for Hemorrhoids medicine

 Lempuyang wangi or Zingiber Aromaticum. L for Hemorrhoids medicine We are still talking about medicinal plants from plants or herbs, the mo...


    Turmeric or `` curcuma '' is a plant that is easily found in our country, this archipelago, and has long been known for its many...

Aloe vera to reduce gum pain (infection)

  Aloe vera to reduce gum pain (infection) Some time ago I made a post about swollen gum pain, of course it is very painful if we suffer fr...

Sulfur to relieve rheumatic pain

 Sulfur to relieve rheumatic pain There are several types of traditional medicine that were originally derived from plants, namely from ...

Cat spinach (Boroco) Celosia Argentea.Linn . is useful for normalizing hypertension

  Cat spinach (Boroco) is useful for normalizing hypertension (Celosia Argentea.Linn) We are still around medicinal plants from plants, as w...

Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil for Hemorrhoids (Ambient)

  Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil for Hemorrhoids (Ambien) The uses and functions of eucalyptus oil since ancient times, have been used as other...

Button mushrooms can prevent & treat prostate cancer(AGARICUS BISPORUS)

Button mushrooms can prevent & treat prostate cancer(AGARICUS BISPORUS) AGARICUS BISPORUS (Latin name), if in our language it is called ...