

Olea Europaea or Zaitun fruit for Cholesterol and Strengthens bones Treatment

 Olea Europaea [Latin name] if in our language it is called the plant 'Olive' or if in the community it is better known as olive fru...

Caesalpinia sappan. L or Sepang wood for the treatment of tuberculosis and signs of women about to give birth

 When I was a child, I remember that my mother was pregnant and it was time to give birth, my father rushed to find Sepang wood or usually e...


  About Me Ali Taufik   Nama saya Ali taufik,saya cukup menyukai dunia IT ini,walau belum terlalu menguasai dan keinginan un...

Helminthostachys zeylanica or Point to heaven fruit to reduce coronary heart disease etc.

It's incomplete if the Show the sky plant or in Latin Helminthostachys  zeylanica /Tunjuk Langit, is not explained in this post, becaus...

Try to treat severe stomach ulcers with henna leaves orAglaia odorata

Gastric ulcer '' or infection of the stomach and stomach that is injured and infected then bleeds or pus. , if this happens it can b...

Wungu leaves or Graptophylum Pictum Griff for the treatment of hemorrhoids etc

  We are still around the problem of medicinal plants from plants as we all know that medicinal plants play a large role in the treatment / ...

Mangkokan leaves or Nothopanax Scutellarium Merr for Hair Loss benefits

Around us there are many medicinal plants that are very useful of course for us all, especially as alternative medicine [as an option], ni...

So that duck eggs are not high in cholesterol, the feed is mixed with pineapple skins

So that duck eggs are not high in cholesterol, the feed is mixed with pineapple skins Nowadays, almost everyone avoids the so-called `` Chol...